Second Per Day From Birth to 3 Months Old
Video shows a few seconds of each day from birth to 3 months old.
Read MoreVideo shows a few seconds of each day from birth to 3 months old.
Read MoreWhen I initially started That Poore Baby, it was going to be a little journal to document the journey of having a baby. I decided to use Tumblr since I had always heard how great it is and I liked the idea of doing a mix of short posts, photos,…
Read MoreWe’ve been at this game for a while now, twelve weeks according to my handy calendar, and we’ve learned a shit ton. The internet tells me that if you do something for 10,000 hours, you can call yourself an expert. Now, according to my maths, we’ve logged just over 2,000…
Read MoreMost of the learning that I did in preparation for having a child revolved around the pregnancy and the delivery. Perhaps I did not want to jinx the delivery by learning how to actually deal with a little human that arrives with a skill set that contains precisely zero skills….
Read MoreWhen we were in the pregnant stage of babydom and were making some of the big decisions on how we were going to proceed, mama said she wanted to use cloth diapers. Now in my mind, cloth diapers were literally pieces of white cloth that you folded origami-style into a…
Read MoreOnce Popeye has a job and is out on his own (they’re good to go around 5 years old right?), he can accidentally forget about special occasions, like Mother’s Day, and then face the wrath of Mom. Until that time, I will help him remember the important dates and together…
Read MoreWe have successfully reached double digits! Our ragtag little family has hit yet another milestone and Popeye is still in one piece. I believe this calls for a round of parental high fives. We have not been shy about dragging the little man all over our fair city and thankfully,…
Read MoreIf you understand the title to this post… congratulations you’re old! For the younger among us, Encyclopedia Brown was a boy detective who solved cases for 25 cents plus expenses (he may have been good at deduction, but at finance, not so much). It was a book series that was…
Read MoreWell, blow me down, Popeye is two months old! When you have a baby, you enter this strange vortex where time flies except when he’s crying. At that point, it’s like the climatic ending of The Hudsucker Proxy – time literally freezes (umm, spoiler alert?). There are other things that…
Read MoreOur son turned two months old so I put together this video consisting of 2 seconds of each day. I hope to continue this each month until I have every day of his first year.
Read MoreBaby milestone alert! Popeye had his 2 month checkup and was the lucky recipient of his first round of infant vaccinations. This included vaccines for Hepatitis B, Polio, Pneumococcal Disease, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Rotavirus and Hib. Luckily, they are able to combine some and the final tally was 3 shots…
Read MoreRarely is the sequel better than the original. For every great one like Empire Strikes Back, there are 47 bad ones like Dumb and Dumberer or Babe 2: Pig in the City. Sometimes, the sequels are done to cash in on the popularity of the original. Other times, I think…
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