If you’ve been reading along at home, there’s a slight possibility that you’ve figured out that Popeye has been having issues with sleeping at night. Obviously, that first sentence is slathered in sarcasm since I have brought it up here, here and here. The main issue is that he is often wide awake and ready to roll around 2:30 in the morning, which coincidentally, is my most favoritist time to be asleep.
Part of the problem is that I can no longer rely on my near mythical status as an expert baby swaddler because Popeye is a tosser, a turner and a midnight oil burner. He also has decided that he wants to be a belly sleeper, which is fine as I will support him in all his major lifestyle choices. The problem, though, is that one of the most important ingredients to successful belly sleeping is a pillow. And everyone knows that pillows are banned in the baby community.
This is where the Zipadee-Zip makes it’s dramatic entrance. Mama was all over the internets searching for any nugget of wisdom she could unearth to help the little man, and us, get some much needed sleep at night. She kept hearing about a swaddle replacement called the Zipadee-Zip and how it was designed by wizards with a deep knowledge of baby magic.
In truth, it was designed by a sleep deprived mom named Stephanie Parker. She tried all of the sleep sacks she could find but nothing seemed to work. In her search, she learned about the Moro reflex, which is when babies startle themselves awake because they feel like they are falling. She made it her mission to find a solution and to mimic the womb-like environment that babies crave, while still having the ability to roll over. The Zipadee-Zip was born.

I don’t get it, you say, how is this thing any different from a sleep sack? Glad you asked! I will defer to Stephanie for the answer:
The reason babies are startled is because they wake up and can’t feel their edges like they were able to in the womb. The Zipadee-Zip provides those ‘edges’ or that womb like environment while still providing them the freedom to roll around and use their arms and hands safely. This is why the Zipadee-Zip will work when all other products parents have tried to transition their babies typically fail.
So Popeye received his very own Zipadee-Zip and I got it all washed up for him. I know, he really should be doing his own laundry, but because his hamper is so much larger than him, I have no choice but to cut him a little slack. Side note: If he turns out to be a slacker when he’s older, we all know when and where it began thanks to the internet.
Since I didn’t get around to sorting the laundry once it was dry (oh shit, am I the slacker?), I started the little guy out in the underarm version of the double swaddle. It was snug enough to get him to relax and after minimal sparring, we came to an agreement that it was, in fact, bedtime. Everything went well until the dreaded 2:30-in-the-morning screaming. I tried all the tricks I have gathered into my makeshift go-back-to-sleep toolbox, and nothing was working. The pacing back and forth didn’t work. The bouncing on the yoga ball failed miserably (namaste, my ass). Even the monetary bribing was futile. Give credit where it is due, the boy has resolve.
With my toolbox empty, I remembered that the Zipadee-Zip was in the laundry pile waiting to be folded. As it was now getting to the point where I was counting backwards from the time on the clock, to see how much sleep I could still salvage before morning (less than 4 hours at this point), I decided it was as good a time as any to try it out. I frantically dug through the laundry with one hand, the other holding on tightly as Popeye writhed with the strength of his namesake plus 3 1/2 babies. Finally, I located the garment and quickly wrestled him into it.
Somewhere in between laughing at how adorable he looked and bouncing him on the yoga ball, he finally succumbed to the sweet, sweet song of silence. I slowly and carefully lowered him in to the crib. Every parent will tell you that the transfer is the trickiest part, and this was no exception. My breath caught as he stirred, but he quickly nodded off and I slowly tiptoed out of his room. Once in my own bed, I watched him on the monitor and drifted off to sleep.
We both slept until the alarm went off at 8.
Whether it’s because I am a little slow or because I did not believe it (I’m gonna go with the combo package), I began the next night with the underarm swaddle again. I managed to get him to sleep around 7:30 and after his midnight feeding, he put up an epic fight. I’m talking the ridiculous stuff, on par with a Michael Bay CGI’d scene of utter chaos and mayhem. The kind with so many ridiculously cheesy explosions, that it makes you feel dumber for having witnessed it. Think any of the Transformers sequels. But with babies.
Finally, common sense snuck into the nursery and popped me upside the head, and I realized that it was time to test the Zipadee-Zip once again. I slid him in, Zipadee-Zipped him up and lightly bounced him for a few minutes. After a highly impressive transfer, the boy was asleep. I went to bed hoping for a good few hours. The next time I opened my eyes was when the alarm went off at 8.
Popeye had actually slept through the night.
Now, let me clarify something. Popeye NEVER sleeps through the night. Even when he’s sleeping well, he averages 3-4 hours at a time. Since then, we have been using the Zipadee-Zip from the beginning of the night and his sleeping has really improved. Even getting him back to sleep after a feeding has been easier. I don’t know why it works, just that it does.
The Zipadee-Zip is the real deal. It’s well made, smartly designed and contains just the right amount of baby magic. The little one just relaxes once you get it on him, plus there’s the added benefit of him looking ridiculously adorable. It’s a win-win.

Seen here at peak adorbs
How bad do you want to try one? Well this is your lucky day then, because besides Stephanie graciously sending me a Zipadee-Zip to test out on Popeye, she has also offered to give one to a reader, free of charge! Enter below and the winner will get to pick any design and any size from the Zipadee-Zip online store.
Aw! That’s the one we used for our boy, the zipadee-zip with the cute owls. The zipadee worked way better for us than swaddling. My son loved it!
The Zipadee-Zip is really a great product made by an amazing company! Check them out at http://www.sleepingbaby.com The swaddle transition blanket is the solution to parents dealing with the nightmares of having their baby breaking out of the swaddle. The swaddle transition journey can create endless sleepless nights for both child and parent.
The company is really good at shipping things out quickly! Get yours today!
Whoever won the Zipadee-Zip is going to be really happy. I highly recommend to all my friends that they try using a Zipadee-Zip from Sleeping Baby! This swaddle is used specifically to comfort your LO as they sleep. The sleep sack also gives them freedom and mobility but the tautness of the suit makes them feel secure at the same time. Truly incredible, and your child will look so cute in it. It really worked for my LO…we used to co-sleep with him and eventually I just was not getting enough rest and need to have him sleep in his own crib. The Zipadee-Zip really really helped my hubby and I to rest, and my son slept on average two more hours than without his Zipadee-Zip! Thank goodness for this thing!
We have been using the Zipadee-Zip for about three months now! Glad to hear these reviews and all of the Sleeping Baby Fans. We have found so many uses for the Zipadee-Zip from swaddle transition, to training my son to crib sleep! My husband and I are just grateful that we can finally sleep and so can my little one!
My son REFUSED to sleep without the swaddle. He would bust out of it during the night and we could not get him to sleep again. I finally tried the Zipadee-Zip and this swaddle transition blanket put my son to sleep within 20 minutes! We have been using it now for three months and I think I have him wear this more than regular clothes 🙂
My baby boy was able to sleep through the night the very first time I bought it and put it on him. The Zipadee-Zip is so simple and easy to use. I have since bought 3 more Zipadee-Zips, we use it for where ever we go!
The Zipadee-Zip has been a game changer in my sons sleep. My son averages about two extra hours of sleep per night, and he is not as fussy when he wears it and it has greatly reduced his startle reflex.
The Zipadee-Zip works! The first night my son wore it, I placed him in his crib and within 20 minutes he was sleeping! I also noticed that his startling was reduced which kept him sleeping longer. This product is simply a miracle and if your child is breaking out of his swaddle, then I suggest you get one. The swaddle transition blanket is a must 🙂
My son is almost four months and keeps busting out of his swaddle. We are approaching the third night of him crying through the night. This review has convinced me to buy two Zipadee-Zip . I have heard that the swaddle transition blankets really work. Let’s see what happens!
I honestly loved the Zipadee-Zip, because it helped my boy sleep through the night the very first time i used it. He wasn’t liking the swaddle anymore and kept waking up, so I heard about the Zippi from my sister in law and decided to try it. I remember thinking “I wish they made this in adult size”…that’s how comfortable he looked in it! 😉
I’ve been using the merlins magic sleep suit which has been a godsend since we stopped using the swaddle at 2.5 months…just wanted her to have more free range of her hands. I don’t want to get her something that’s going to be too small on her in like a month..so I am trying to decide between the sleep sack and the zipadeezip. She’s currently 4.5 months and 14.5 lbs. I also want something for summer that isn’t too hot. Do you think this is a good option in the medium for her so she can wear it for a while?
Are these reviews real or fake? Some of these comments sound pretty fake..
I can assure you that the main review is real but I have no way to verify the comments.
My hubby and I had a real problem when my LO began her swaddle transition. Our daughter REFUSED to sleep without the swaddle and we tried every trick in the book. She would break out of in the middle of the night and would not be to go back to sleep again. I tried the Zipadee-Zip and it truly worked.
It works! Our daughter is an excellent sleeper, but now that she is rolling over the beloved swaddle had to come to an end. She could fall asleep if we pinned her arms down but then she would wake up hitting herself in the face. I started just tucking her in with a blanket so that if she did roll over she could get her arms free. But when she would wake up she would have no way to self soothe since her pacifier was out and her arms were tucked in. We were trying to sleep train her to put herself back to sleep. Enter the zipadee zip into our lives and all our problems are solved! She can suck on her fist, but can’t punch herself in the eye, she can also fall asleep completely independently. Just set her in her crib, walk away, and she is out within 15 minutes with no crying. Unfortunately they are so awesome, they are completely sold out of her size in every pattern. So I just had to use the one my friend lent me to make a pattern and make my own. If you are thin ing about it, BUY IT! It is magical
It worked for a little while, especially for a kid that had eczema as it saved us the trouble of having to deal with gloves that fall off and him scratching himself awake. Also a great blanket-like sack in the winter since not safe to use a blanket until after 1. Biggest issue is the quality, washes horribly and is depressing to put this piled outfit on my baby everyday for 3 naps. And NO it is not realistic to hang dry it, and kids chew on the sleeves when teething so it needs washing frequently. And my kid before 6 months when he had the eczema was able to pull his arm up through the neck hole and stretched the heck out of it making it unsafe and ineffective. And i didn’t dare keep buying new ones at $35-40 a item plus shipping.
The best shark tank product of season 6 thus far!
I’d use this product with caution. I was worried that since my daughter was getting out of her swaddle that she could suffocate on the blanket only to find that the zipadee zip was causing the same problem! I was orginally thrilled when I received mine in the mail.That thrill was over quickly when that evening I woke to see my lil girl’s face covered by the zipadee zip.The zipper had bulked up and had slowly crept up to her face as she tossed and turned. She has not worn it since! I wish this site would let me add a photo….
Thanks for sharing, Linda. I think any product for your baby should be used with caution, especially something designed for night time use, and this is a good reminder of that. I hope you find something that works for you and your baby.
I think the bigger issue is that someone named their poor kid Popeye…. seriously, POPEYE!? He probably can’t sleep because his parents named him friggin Popeye and he is trying to figure out his next move in life….!
I assume that you are being sarcastic but in case you are not, let me assure you that his real name is not Popeye. That is just a nickname given to him by his Aunt because he had a squinty eye when he was born.
I think I like the patterns on them. The are cool.
Cool product great designs
i think it’s pretty inventive!
I think they are adorable!
I think all the prints are so cute.
I think that the Zipadee Zip is adorable. And it looks like it would be super warm for winter.
I think it’s a very neat concept. My baby girl would look so cute in their wearable blanket! Thanks for the opportunity!
I love it! This is absolutely perfect for a baby!!
Hi! I think they’re super cute & functional. They look to be really soft too. This is great idea!! Thank-you!
I love the cute designs
I need to try this!
Found your website after doing some 3am research on the 4 month sleep regression. I ordered a zippy, but I live in Canada so it’ll be 10-12 business days before it gets here. It’s going to be a long 10-12 business days (…and nights)
10-12 days sounds like complete misery and I feel your pain. Hang in there!
Holy shit, I need this thing.
I agree!
My daughter is a swaddle addict so I’d really like to give it a try.
Popeye loves to be swaddled as well and we still do it for nap time, when someone is there to watch that he doesn’t roll over and get into trouble. The Zipadee-Zip is the way to go for the night.
Our little love bug has figured out how to roll around and along with that she has learned how to wiggle out of her swaddle. She was sleeping in her rock n play (and slept 9 hours.. sooo nice!) Now we are back to no one than 2 hours of sleep at a time trying to get her to sleep in the bassinet and no swaddle at the same time.. not cool! Ordered our zipadee zip this afternoon and praying it doesn’t take long to get here and gives us back our sweet happy sleeping baby!!!
Good luck! It’s tough once they learn to roll over and you can’t swaddle them any more. I hope the Zipadee-Zip works for you!
We love our Zippy!
They look awesome!
We are contemplating trying this out with our four month old daughter. A tad skeptical still though!
It looks really strange
I would love to try it!
I want one!! We are about to transition from co-sleeping to a crib and I fear it won’t go well.. I’ve been wanting to buy one but trying to find room in my budget !
It’s amazing, right? Our little calms right down and practically passes out as soon as we put him it and sleeps soundly from 8 or 9 pm until about 4:30. Wakes up to eat and then right back to sleep until 7 or 8!
Tha looks neat.
I love the designs. Can’t wait to try this! This review is so honest and well written I look forward to reading your work.
Thanks Kate, I appreciate that.
We love the Zippy!! My daughter sleeps so well!
Makes me want a do-over on both kids! Great review of a great looking product.
Hi, Mike. This is Norma,your mother-in-laws friend from Sacramento. Just became a nonna and I want to get one of these for Sovay. Say hi to all!
Hi Nonna Norma, I’ll be sure to share this information with Mike – if I ever come across him. Enjoy your grandbaby and the Zipadee-Zip!
I have been wanting to try this just hard to spend so much on just one 🙂
I just purchased a zippy for my 3.5 month old & so far so good!
We love our zippy!
My 10 month old has outgrown his size small so we need to win this! Great product all around!
I think it looks like it’s worth a try!
I love the zipadeezip!
We love our zippy and could definitely use another one and a size up! They seriously are magic!
I can’t wait to try a Zipadee-Zip! My little girl has eczema and still has to be swaddled every night.
We’ve been using it for about 6 months and LOVE IT. He sleeps through the night and we are so much more same bc of it lol!
Would love to try it out on my swaddled babe when she starts rolling 🙂
Looks like an awesome product!
Could I get these for my 7 and 10-year old. Too many early mornings!
They do make a large, but probably not that large.
I guess I’ll suffer along.
We’ve been using our Zippy for a few months now and love it. It’s been used so much it’s really worn, so here’s hoping to win a new one. Love the company too, and they are local to our family! Thank you, Dan!
Thanks R.C. and good luck.